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;******************************************************************************** ; ______ __ __ ___ __ __ ____ ____ ; / __ // / / // __\ / /__ / / /___ \ / __ \ ; / / -'/ / / // /_ / // /_ / / __/ // / / / ; / / / / / // __ \ /__ __/ / / /_ // / / / CyberVision64/3D ; / /___ / /_/ // /_/ / / / / / ___/ // /_/ / ; \____/ \____/ \____/ /_/ /_/ /____//_____/ ; ; $VER: CV64/3D_Installer 0.99h (Feburary-03-1997) ; Installer by Robert C. Reiswig ©1996-1997 ; CyberVision64/3D Graphics Card by: ; Phase 5 Digital Products ; In der Au 27 ; D-61440 Oberursel ; Germany ; ; If you wish to use any part of this installer you must ask. May not be ; integrated/placed into any other package! Changes, suggestions or problems: ; vgr@best.com ;******************************************************************************** (set #diskname (pathonly @icon)) (set #diskname2 "CV3D-Tools") (set where "ram:") (set #CompressCMD "lhex") (set #untempdirlib "RAM:CGXV3-Inst") (set #libsarchivename (tackon #diskname "libs/lib.lha")) (set #virarchivename "3D-ViRGE/CV3DDemos.lha") (if (> (exists ("c:multiview")) 0) (set #mpath "c:") ) (if (> (exists ("sys:Utilities/multiview")) 0) (set #mpath "sys:Utilities") ) (run (cat "run " (tackon #mpath "multiview ") (tackon #diskname "Phase5.iff"))) ;******************************************************************************** ; Set Defaults Strings (English) ;******************************************************************************** (set #w-message "\n\n\nPhase5 would like to\n\nThank You\n\nfor purchasing the CyberVision 64/3D.") (set #yes "Yes") (set #no "No") (set #askzorro "\nWhat type of machine is the CyberVision64/3D installed in?\n") (set #askcpu "\nWhat CPU does the machine have that you are installing CyberGraphX V3 on? The installer has found:\n") (set #inst-prompt "\nPlease select what you wish to do.\n") (set #first-time "First time Installation") (set #changemon "Set/Change the Monitorfile's Defaults") (set #removeV2 "Do your have CyberGraphX V2 (43.xxx) installed on this system? If you do it will need to be removed in order for CyberGraphX V3 to work correctly.") (set #remove1 " Backup & Uninstall CyberGraphX V2") (set #remove2 " Delete V2 Monitor File Only") (set #remove3 " Skip, do later") (set #deletemon "Select the CyberGraphX V2 Monitor file you wish to delete along with its .info file.") (set #uncompressingbinlibs (cat "\n\nUncompressing the CyberGraphX V3 libraries to the temp dir " #untempdirlib)) (set #errorlibs (cat "\n\nThe archive " #libsarchivenamelibs " is missing or has an error in it. You might try to reinstall. If that does not work you will need to get a new CyberVision64/3D install disk.\n\nThe needed CyberGraphX V3 Libraries were not installed.")) (set #todo-prompt "\nWhat do you wish to install?\n") (set #cgxmode-todo " CGXMode - Create & Change Screen Modes") (set #drivers-todo " Drivers - For 3rd Party Programs") (set #osiris-todo " Osiris - MPEG Player") (set #cgl-todo " CyberGL - 3DDemo") (set #destchoice "Please select where you wish to put the CyberVision64/3D Programs. A directory called 'CV64-3D' will be created there.") (set #wheremode "Where do you wish to put the CGXMode Program?") (set #other " Other") (set #wherelibs "Where do you wish to install the CyberGraphX V3 libraries? The default is 'SYS:Libs'") (set #ask-MODEFILE "Which modefile should be installed? The khz number should not exceed your monitors max khz!") (set #15KHZ "15khz maximum") (set #31KHZ "31khz maximum") (set #35KHZ "35khz maximum") (set #38KHZ "38khz maximum") (set #48KHZ "48khz maximum") (set #57KHZ "57khz maximum") (set #64KHZ "64khz maximum") (set #80KHZ "80khz maximum") (set #ask-driver "\nSelect The Driver(s) you wish to install.\n") (set #saver "Saver") (set #window "Window") (set #YES-AMAX "Yes - Install AMAX Driver") (set #NO-AMAX "No - Don't Install AMAX Driver") (set #ask-AMAX "Do you wish to install the CyberGraphX AMax driver?") (set #where-AMAX "Where do you wish to Install the AMax Driver?\n(The default is \"Work:\")") (set #YES-ADPROw "Yes - Install ADPro Window") (set #NO-ADPROw "No - Don't Install ADPro Window") (set #ask-ADPROw "Do you wish to install the CyberGraphX ADPro Window Driver?") (set #where-ADPROw "Where do you wish to Install the ADPro Window Diver?\n(The default is \"ADPRO:display2\")") (set #updatedadprow "\n\n\n\ADPro's Window driver (ADPRO:displays2/window) has been updated to support CyberGraphX.") (set #YES-ADPRO "Yes - Install ADPro Saver") (set #NO-ADPRO "No - Don't Install ADPro Saver") (set #ask-ADPRO "Do you wish to install the CyberGraphX ADPro saver?") (set #where-ADPRO "Where do you wish to Install the ADPro Saver?\n(The default is \"ADPRO:Savers2\")") (set #YES-MC4D "Yes - Install MaxonCinema4D display module") (set #NO-MC4D "No - Don't Install MaxonCinema4D display module") (set #ask-MC4D "Do you wish to install the MaxonCinema4D display module?") (set #where-MC4D "Where do you wish to Install the MaxonCinema4D display module?\n(The default is \"libs:\")") (set #YES-PHOTOW "Yes - Install PhotoworX display module") (set #NO-PHOTOW "No - Don't Install PhotoworX display module") (set #ask-PHOTOW "Do you wish to install the PhotoworX display module?") (set #where-PHOTOW "Where do you wish to Install the PhotoworX display module?\n(The default is \"work:\")") (set #YES-PHOTOG "Yes - Install Photogenics saver module") (set #NO-PHOTOG "No - Don't Install Photogenics saver module") (set #ask-PHOTOG "Do you wish to install the Photogenics saver module?") (set #where-PHOTOG "Where do you wish to Install the Photogenics saver module?\n(The default is \"work:\")") (set #YES-REAL "Yes - Install Real3D display module") (set #NO-REAL "No - Don't Install Real3D display module") (set #ask-REAL "Do you wish to install the Real3D display module?") (set #where-REAL "Where do you wish to Install the Real3D display module?\n(The default is \"libs:\")") (set #YES-IFX "Yes - Install ImageFX Render module") (set #NO-IFX "No - Don't Install ImageFX Render module") (set #ask-IFX "Do you wish to install the ImageFX Render module?") (set #where-IFX "Where do you wish to Install the ImageFX Render module?\n(The default is \"ImageFX:Modules/Render\")") (set #reboot "\nThe installation of CyberVision64/3D is now complete.\n\nTo use the CyberVision64/3D screen modes, you must reboot your Amiga. After rebooting, you must run the \"SYS:Prefs/ScreenMode\" preferences editor and pick the ScreenMode you wish to use.\n\nRemove the \"CyberVision64/3D\" disk from the floppy drive, and select the \"Reboot\" gadget to reboot your Amiga.") (set #reboot-def "\nThe installation of the default monitorfile is now complete.\n\nTo use the monitorfile, you must reboot your Amiga. After rebooting, you must run the \"SYS:Prefs/ScreenMode\" preferences editor and pick the ScreenMode you wish to use.\n\n Remove the \"CyberVision64/3D\" disk from the floppy drive, and select the \"Reboot\" gadget to reboot your Amiga.") (set #reboot-prompt "\n\n\n\n\nDo you wish to reboot?") (set #YES-REBOOT "Yes - Reboot") (set #NO-REBOOT "No - Don't Reboot") (set #currset "\nShould this option be enabled ?") (set #cpup2c (cat "CPUP2C\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "By setting this variable, the planar-to-chunky conversion " "will be done by the CPU (in contrast to the blitter conversion) " "Therefore the ugly looking "planar" blitting effects are gone, " "but the software conversion is slower. Do you wish to Enable this feature?" ) ) (set #hirescrsr (cat "HIRESCRSR\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "By setting this variable, the Lores-Sprites on non-AA-machines " "become Hires-sprites (they are no longer doubled by " "the CyberGraphX-Software). " "This variable is identical to the tooltype HIRESSPRITE " "of older Picasso-monitor files." ) ) (set #hide15bit (cat "HIDE15BIT\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "By setting this variable, you can switch off 15bit modes to reduce " "screenmode list length. The Modes are still available but hidden." ) ) (set #alertemu (cat "ALERTEMU\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "By setting this variable, DisplayAlert(), (The Screens you get when the machine crashes.) " "will be placed on an CyberGraphX screens." ) ) (set #planes2 (cat "PLANES2FAST\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "With this option on, non displayable planar bitmaps " "are allocated in fast memory. This options speeds up " "handling of planar bitmaps but could lead to problem s" "with amiga graphics which insist on planar graphics " "placed in chip memory. Take care when using this option." ) ) (set #nopass (cat "NOPASSTHROUGH\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "If this option is enabled, the monitor switch on every " "CyberGraphX supported board is deactivated. This option is " "required for multi monitor systems." ) ) (set #keepamiga (cat "KEEPAMIGAVIDEO\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "If this option is disabled, everytime a CyberGraphX display " "becomes frontscreen, Amiga display DMA is switched off in order " "to increase chipmem access speed. You can avoid this by enabling " "this option. " ) ) (set #bootlogo (cat "BOOTLOGO\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "If this option is disabled (set to 'No - Off'), the CyberGraphX Bootlogo " "will not be shown at boot time." ) ) (set #savemem (cat "SAVEMEM\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "If this option is on, CyberGraphX will reduce memory consumption in less or equal 16 colour " "modes, CyberGraphX keeps a planar representation of the screen " "bitmap in fastmem and a chunky representation in video memory." ) ) (set #byebye (cat "\nCyberGraphX V3 for CyberVision64/3D Install Complete!\n\n" )) ;**** New Strings for February 03, 1997 **** (set #virgedemo-todo " 3D Demo - ViRGE Demo") (set #cv-todo " CyberView - Picture Viewer") (set #cw-todo " CyberWindow - Picture Viewer (in window)") (set #askfordisk2 (cat "\n\nPlease insert disk 2 labeled:\n\n" #diskname2 )) (set #whatosiris "What version of Osiris would you like to install?") (set #uncompressingbinvir (cat "\n\nUncompressing the CyberGraphX V3 3D-ViRGE Demos to the temp dir " #untempdirlib)) (set #errorvir (cat "\n\nThe archive " #virarchivename " is missing or has an error in it. You might try to reinstall. If that does not work you will need to get a new CyberVision64/3D install disk.\n\nThe 3d-ViRGE Demos were not installed.")) (set #jpegDTnote "\n\nBoth CyberView and CyberWindow use the 'Tower JPEG Codec Class' for JPEG support. If you wish to view JPEGs with these Viewers you will need to have a JPEG Datatype installed.\n\nYou can Install these Datatypes by running the install in the 'jpeg_cdc' drawer on the 2nd disk after the CV3D install is over.") ;**** New Strings for February 24, 1997 **** (set #askfordisk (cat "\n\nPlease insert disk 1 labeled:\n\n" #diskname )) ;********************************************************************************* ; German Strings ;********************************************************************************* (if (= @language "deutsch") ( (set #w-message "\n\n\nPhase5 dankt Ihnen für den Kauf der Cybervision 64/3D.\n\n\n") (set #yes "Ja") (set #no "Nein") (set #askzorro "\nIn welchen AMIGA ist die Cybervision 64/3D installiert?\n") (set #askcpu "\nWelche CPU hat Ihr AMIGA wo Sie CyberGraphX V3 installieren wollen ? Das Installationsskript hat folgende CPU Typen gefunden:\n") (set #inst-prompt "\nBitte wählen Sie :\n") (set #first-time "Erstmalige Installation") (set #changemon "Setzen/Ändern der Monitorfile's Einstellungen") (set #removeV2 "Haben Sie CyberGraphX V2 (43.xxx) installiert auf diesem System? Wenn JA, deinstallieren Sie CyberGraphX V2 damit CyberGraphX V3 richtig funktioniert.") (set #remove1 " Backup & Deinstalliere CyberGraphX V2") (set #remove2 " Lösche nur V2 Monitor File") (set #remove3 " Mach ich später.") (set #deletemon "Wählen Sie das CyberGraphX V2 Monitor file das gelöscht werden soll.") (set #uncompressingbin (cat "\n\nDekomprimiere die CyberGraphX V3 libraries in den Temporären Zwischenspeicher " #untempdirlib)) (set #errorlibs (cat "\n\nDas archive " #libsarchivename " fehlt oder ist kaputt. Sie sollten probieren alles nochmals zu ReInstallieren. Wenn dieses wieder fehlschlagen sollte, besorgen Sie sich eine neue Diskette von Phase5 oder Ihrem Händler.\n\nCyberGraphX V3 Libraries wurden nicht installiert.")) (set #todo-prompt "\nWas möchten Sie installieren ?\n") (set #cgxmode-todo " CGXMode - Kreire & Ändere Screen Modis") (set #drivers-todo " Treiber - Für 3. Anbieter Programme") (set #osiris-todo " Osiris - MPEG Abspieler") (set #cgl-todo " CyberGL - 3DDemo") (set #destchoice "In welches Verzeichnis möchten Sie die CyberVision64/3D Programme installieren ? Ein Verzeichnis 'CV64-3D' wird dort erstellt.") (set #wheremode "Wo möchten Sie das CGXMode Programm installieren ?") (set #other " Andere") (set #wherelibs "Wo möchten Sie dir CyberGraphX V3 libraries installieren? Standard ist 'SYS:Libs'") (set #reboot "Die Installation der CyberVision64/3D Software ist nun abgeschlossen.\n\nUm Ihre CyberVision64/3D zu aktivieren, müssen Sie Ihren Amiga neu starten. Nehmen Sie die Diskette \"CyberVision64/3D\" aus dem Diskettenlaufwerk und klicken Sie dann auf \"Weiter\", um Ihren Amiga neu zu starten.\n\nDanach müssen Sie ggf. den Voreinsteller-ScreenMode \"ScreenMode\" aus der Schublade \"Prefs\" aufrufen und dort Ihre gewünschte Auflösung auswählen.") (set #reboot-def "Ihre Monitoreinstellungen sind wieder auf Defaultwerte gesetzt.\n\nUm diese werte zu aktivieren, müssen Sie Ihren Amiga neu starten. Nehmen Sie die Diskette \"CyberVision64/3D\" aus dem Diskettenlaufwerk und klicken Sie dann auf \"Weiter\", um Ihren Amiga neu zu starten.\n\nDanach müssen Sie ggf. den Voreinsteller-ScreenMode \"ScreenMode\" aus der Schublade \"Prefs\" aufrufen und dort Ihre gewünschte Auflösung auswählen.") (set #ask-driver "\nWählen Sie die Treiber, die Sie installieren wollen.\n") (set #YES-ADPRO "Ja - ADPro Saver Modul installieren") (set #NO-ADPRO "Nein - ADPro Saver Modul nicht installieren") (set #ask-ADPRO "Möchten Sie das CyberGraphX ADPro Saver Modul installieren?") (set #where-ADPRO "Wo möchten Sie das ADPro Saver Modul installieren?\n(Der Standardpfad ist \"ADPRO:Savers2\")") (set #YES-MC4D "Ja - MaxonCinema4D Display Modul installieren") (set #NO-MC4D "Nein - MaxonCinema4D Display Modul nicht installieren") (set #ask-MC4D "Möchten Sie das MaxonCinema4D Display Modul installieren?") (set #where-MC4D "Wo möchten Sie das MaxonCinema4D Display Modul installieren?\n(Der Standardpfad ist \"libs:\")") (set #YES-PHOTOW "Ja - PhotoworX Display Modul installieren") (set #NO-PHOTOW "Nein - PhotoworX Display Modul nicht installieren") (set #ask-PHOTOW "Möchten Sie das PhotoworX Display Modul installieren?") (set #where-PHOTOW "Wo möchten Sie das PhotoworX Display Modul installieren?\n(Der Standardpfad ist \"work:\")") (set #YES-PHOTOG "Ja - Photogenics Saver Modul installieren") (set #NO-PHOTOG "Nein - Photogenics Saver Modul nicht installieren") (set #ask-PHOTOG "Möchten Sie das Photogenics Saver Modul installieren?") (set #where-PHOTOG "Wo möchten Sie das Photogenics Saver Modul installieren?\n(Der Standardpfad ist \"work:\")") (set #YES-REAL "Ja - Real3D Display Modul installieren") (set #NO-REAL "Nein - Real3D Display Modul nicht installieren") (set #ask-REAL "Möchten Sie das Real3D Display Modul installieren?") (set #where-REAL "Wo möchten Sie das Real3D Display Modul installieren?\n(Der Standardpfad ist \"libs:\")") (set #YES-IFX "Ja - ImageFX Render Modul installieren") (set #NO-IFX "Nein - ImageFX Render Modul nicht installieren") (set #ask-IFX "Möchten Sie das ImageFX Render Modul installieren?") (set #where-IFX "Wo möchten Sie das ImageFX Render Modul installieren?\n(Der Standardpfad ist \"ImageFX:Modules/Render\")") (set #ask-MODEFILE "Welcher Monitormodus soll verwendet werden ?") (set #YES-REBOOT "Ja - Neustart") (set #NO-REBOOT "Nein - kein Neustart") (set #reboot-prompt "\n\n\n\n\nSoll der Neustart jetzt ausgeführt werden?") (set #inst-prompt "\nWählen Sie die gewünschte Aktion aus.\n") (set #first-time "Erstmalige Installation") (set #changemon "Auswahl der Monitordefinition") (set #cvmode-todo " CGXMode - Definition und Änderung von Screenmodes") (set #viewers-todo " Viewers - Bildanzeigeprogramme") (set #drivers-todo " Treiber - Support für Programme von Drittanbietern") (set #todo-prompt "\nWelche Komponenten möchten Sie installieren?\n") (set #destchoice "Wo sollen die Cybervision Programme installiert werden? Ein Verzeichnis mit dem Namen \"CV64-3D\" wird erzeugt, wenn es noch nicht existiert.") (set #currset "\nSoll diese Option aktiv sein ?") (set #cpup2c (cat "CPUP2C\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Wenn Sie diese Variable setzen, wird die Planar-nach-Chunky Konvertierung " "von der CPU erledigt (im Gegensatz zur Blitter-Konvertierung) " "Damit sind die teilweise merkwürdig aussehenden "planar" Bliteffekte verschwunden, " "aber die CPU-Konvertierung ist langsamer. Wollen Sie diese Möglichkeit aktivieren ?" ) ) (set #hirescrsr (cat "HIRESCRSR\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Wenn diese Variable aktiviert ist, werden Lores-Sprites auf nicht-AGA-Geräten " "zu Hires-sprites (Sie werden nicht mehr von der CyberGraphX Software " "verdoppelt). " "(Diese Variable ist identisch mit dem Tooltype HIRESSPRITE " "in der alten Picasso software)." ) ) (set #hide15bit (cat "HIDE15BIT\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Wenn diese Variable aktiviert ist, werden die 15Bit Modi deaktiviert, um " "die Screenmodeliste zu verkuerzen. Die Modes sind immer noch da, aber nicht sichtbar." ) ) (set #alertemu (cat "ALERTEMU\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Ist diese Variable aktiviert, wird DisplayAlert(), (Die Routine, die eine Guru-Box erzeugt.) " "auf einen CyberGraphX Bildschirm umgeleitet." ) ) (set #nochip (cat "NOCHIPSCREEN\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Wird diese Option aktiviert, werden CyberGraphX 256-Farben Bildschirme " "immer direkt im FastRAM geöffnet. Das ist sinnvoll bei Rechnern mit 1MB " "ChipRAM, sollte aber mit 2MB ChipRAM Systemen vermieden werden, da die " "alte Methode in einigen Punkten kompatibler ist." ) ) (set #EnvAbort (cat "\n\nEnvSettings konnte keine der Einstellungen finden." "\n\nSind Sie ein registrierter User? Insofern Sie es sind, müssen " "Sie \"CyberGfx_Install\" aufrufen um die Variablen richtig zu setzen." ) ) (set #planes2 (cat "PLANES2FAST\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Ist diese Option aktiv, werden nicht darzustellende " "planare BitMaps im FastRAM angelegt. Diese Option " "beschleunigt die Bearbeitung von planaren BitMaps aber " "kann zu Problemen mit Amiga Originalgrafik führen, wenn " "diese davon ausgeht, dass planare BitMaps im ChipRAM liegen. " "Seien Sie vorsichtig mit der Aktivierung dieser Option." ) ) (set #nopass (cat "NOPASSTHROUGH\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, wird der Monitorumschalter " "auf jeder von CyberGraphX unterstützten Karte deaktiviert. " "Diese Option ist für Mehr-Monitor Systeme erforderlich. " ) ) (set #keepamiga (cat "KEEPAMIGAVIDEO\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Ist diese Option nicht aktiv, wird jedesmal, wenn " "ein CyberGraphX Bildschirm nach vorne kommt, die Amiga Bildschirm " "DMA abgeschaltet, um den Zugriff auf das ChipMemory zu beschleunigen. " "Dies kann durch Aktivierung der Option vermieden werden. " ) ) (set #bootlogo (cat "BOOTLOGO\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Ist diese Option inaktiv (auf 'Nein' gesetzt), wird das CyberGraphX Startlogo " "nicht angezeigt während eines Neustarts des Rechners." ) ) (set #savemem (cat "SAVEMEM\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" "Wenn diese Option aktiv ist, verbraucht CyberGraphX weniger Speicher in kleiner oder gleich " "16 Farben, weil im Fast RAM Speicher ein planares Abbild des Videospeichers gehalten wird " "und im Videospeicher ein Chunky Abbild. Die Option NOCHIPSCREEN muß ebenfalls aktiv sein." ) ) ;**** New Strings for February 03, 1997 **** (set #virgedemo-todo " 3D Demo - ViRGE Demo") (set #cv-todo " CyberView - Bildanzeiger") (set #cw-todo " CyberWindow - Bildanzeiger (Fensterversion)") (set #askfordisk2 (cat "\n\nLegen Sie die Diskette mit dem Namen:\n\n" #diskname2 "\n\nein" )) (set #whatosiris "Welche Version von Osiris möchten Sie installieren?") (set #uncompressingbinvir (cat "\n\nEntpacken der CyberGraphX V3 3D-ViRGE Demos zum temporären Verzeichnis " #untempdirlib)) (set #errorvir (cat "\n\nDas Archiv " #virarchivename " fehlt oder ist fehlerhaft. Versuchen Sie eine Neuinstallation. Sollte dies mislingen, benötigen Sie eine neue CyberVision64/3D Install Disk.\n\nDie 3d-ViRGE Demos wurden nicht installiert.")) (set #jpegDTnote "\n\nCyberView und CyberWindow benutzen die 'Tower JPEG Codec Class'. Wenn Sie JPEGs mit diesen Programmen betrachten wollen, muß der JPEG Datatype installiert sein.\n\nSie können diesen Datatype installieren, indem Sie Install im 'jpeg_cdc' Verzeichnis der zweiten Diskette aufrufen nachdem Sie die CV3D Installationabgeschlossen haben.") ) ) ;********************************************************************************* ; Welcome Message ;********************************************************************************* (if (= (exists ("libs:cgxsystem.library")) 0) ( (message #w-message) (set finstall 0) ) (set finstall 1) ) (welcome) ;********************************************************************************* ; Ask install Option ;********************************************************************************* (set INST (askchoice (prompt #inst-prompt) (help (cat #inst-prompt "\n" @install-help)) (choices #first-time #changemon) (default finstall) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Check on Zorro slot ;******************************************************************** (set error (run "tools/ChkCV3DZorro")) (if (> error 0) (set guessZ 1) (set guessZ 0) ) (set pickZ (askchoice (choices "zorro2 - Amiga 2000/zorro2 Expansion Box" "zorro3 - Amiga 3000(T)/4000(T)") (prompt #askzorro) (help #askzorro) (default guessZ) ) ) ;******************************************************************** ; Double Check on the CPU ;******************************************************************** (set cpu (database "cpu")) (if (= cpu 68000) (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu 68010) (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu 68020) (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu 68030) (set #cpu 0)) (if (= cpu 68040) (set #cpu 1)) (if (= cpu 68006) (set #cpu 1)) (if (= @installer-version 0) (if (> (exists ("sys:libs/68060.library")) 0) (set #cpu 1) ) (if (= cpu 68006) (set #cpu 1)) ) (set cpuPick (askchoice (choices "68020 or 68030" "68040 or 68060") (prompt #askcpu) (help #askcpu) (default #cpu) ) ) ;********************************************************************************* ; Ask where & Copy libs, Monitor File ;********************************************************************************* (set wherelibs (askdir (prompt #wherelibs) (help #wherelibs) (default "SYS:libs") ) ) (if (= cpuPick 0) (set cpuadd ".020")) (if (= cpuPick 1) (set cpuadd ".040")) (working #uncompressingbinlibs) (if (< (exists #untempdirlib) 2) (makedir #untempdirlib) ) (set undolibs ("%s \"-qfw=%s\" x \"%s\"" #CompressCMD #untempdirlib #libsarchivename)) (set error (run undolibs)) (if (= error 0) ( (if (exists (tackon #untempdirlib (cat "cgxsystem.library" cpuadd)) ) (copylib (source (tackon #untempdirlib (cat "cgxsystem.library" cpuadd))) (dest wherelibs) (newname "cgxsystem.library") (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (exists (tackon #untempdirlib (cat "cgxvideo.library" cpuadd)) ) (copylib (source (tackon #untempdirlib (cat "cgxvideo.library" cpuadd))) (dest wherelibs) (newname "cgxvideo.library") (optional "nofail") ) ) (if (exists (tackon #untempdirlib "gtlayout.library") ) (copylib (source (tackon #untempdirlib "gtlayout.library")) (dest wherelibs) (optional "nofail") ) ) (foreach #untempdirlib "#?" (delete (tackon #untempdirlib @each-name)) ) (delete #untempdirlib) ) (message #errorlibs) ) (if (= pickZ 0) (set zadd ".Z2")) (if (= pickZ 1) (set zadd ".Z3")) (copyfiles (source (tackon #diskname (cat "devs/monitors/CVision3D" zadd))) (dest "devs:monitors") (newname "CVision3D") (infos)) ;********************************************************************************* ; Change/Setup Monitor File Setup ;********************************************************************************* (set modefile (askchoice (choices "None/Skip" #31KHZ #35KHZ #38KHZ #48KHZ #57KHZ #64KHZ #80KHZ) (prompt #ask-MODEFILE) (help #ask-MODEFILE) (default 0) ) ) (if (> modefile 0) ( (if (< (exists "env:CyberGraphX") 2) (makedir "env:CyberGraphX") ) (if (< (exists "envarc:CyberGraphX") 2) (makedir "envarc:CyberGraphX") ) (if (= modefile 1) (set mode "Monitor-31khz")) (if (= modefile 2) (set mode "Monitor-35khz")) (if (= modefile 3) (set mode "Monitor-38khz")) (if (= modefile 4) (set mode "Monitor-48khz")) (if (= modefile 5) (set mode "Monitor-57khz")) (if (= modefile 6) (set mode "Monitor-64khz")) (if (= modefile 7) (set mode "Monitor-80khz")) (run (cat "setenv CyberGraphX/CVision3DMonitor " mode)) (copyfiles (source "env:CyberGraphX/CVision3DMonitor") (dest "envarc:CyberGraphX") ) (if (< (exists "sys:prefs") 2) (makedir "sys:prefs") ) (if (< (exists "sys:prefs/presets") 2) (makedir "sys:prefs/presets") ) (if (< (exists "sys:prefs/presets/monitors") 2) (makedir "sys:prefs/presets/monitors") ) (copyfiles (source (tackon #diskname (cat "prefs/presets/monitors/" mode))) (dest "sys:prefs/presets/monitors")) ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; Check and Set Env Vars ;******************************************************************************** (set hires 0) (set cpup2c 0) (set hide15bit 0) (set alertemu 0) (set nopass 0) (set keepamiga 0) (set planes2 0) (set bootlogo 0) (set savemem 0) ;***** Check Env Stuff (if (> (exists ("env:CyberGraphX/HIRESCRSR")) 0) (if (= 1 (getenv "CyberGraphX/HIRESCRSR")) (set hires 1) ) ) (if (> (exists ("env:CyberGraphX/CPUP2C")) 0) (if (= 1 (getenv "CyberGraphX/CPUP2C")) (set cpup2c 1) ) ) (if (> (exists ("env:CyberGraphX/HIDE15BIT")) 0) (if (= 1 (getenv "CyberGraphX/HIDE15BIT")) (set hide15bit 1) ) ) (if (> (exists ("env:CyberGraphX/ALERTEMU")) 0) (if (= 1 (getenv "CyberGraphX/ALERTEMU")) (set alertemu 1) ) ) (if (> (exists ("env:CyberGraphX/NOPASSTHROUGH")) 0) (if (= 1 (getenv "CyberGraphX/NOPASSTHROUGH")) (set nopass 1) ) ) (if (> (exists ("env:CyberGraphX/KEEPAMIGAVIDEO")) 0) (if (= 1 (getenv "CyberGraphX/KEEPAMIGAVIDEO")) (set keepamiga 1) ) ) (if (> (exists ("env:CyberGraphX/PLANES2FAST")) 0) (if (= 1 (getenv "CyberGraphX/PLANES2FAST")) (set planes2 1) ) ) (if (> (exists ("env:CyberGraphX/BOOTLOGO")) 0) (if (= 1 (getenv "CyberGraphX/BOOTLOGO")) (set bootlogo 1) ) ) (if (> (exists ("env:CyberGraphX/SAVEMEM")) 0) (if (= 1 (getenv "CyberGraphX/SAVEMEM")) (set savemem 1) ) ) ;***** Ask what to set (set cpup2c (askchoice (choices #no #yes) (prompt (cat #cpup2c " " #currset)) (help (cat #cpup2c " " #currset)) (default cpup2c) ) ) (set HIRESCRSR (askchoice (choices #no #yes) (prompt (cat #hirescrsr " " #currset)) (help (cat #hirescrsr " " #currset)) (default hires) ) ) (set HIDE15BIT (askchoice (choices #no #yes) (prompt (cat #hide15bit " " #currset)) (help (cat #hide15bit " " #currset)) (default hide15bit) ) ) (set ALERTEMU (askchoice (choices #no #yes) (prompt (cat #alertemu " " #currset)) (help (cat #alertemu " " #currset)) (default alertemu) ) ) (set PLANES2FAST (askchoice (choices #no #yes) (prompt (cat #planes2 " " #currset)) (help (cat #planes2 " " #currset)) (default planes2) ) ) (set NOPASSTHROUGH (askchoice (choices #no #yes) (prompt (cat #nopass " " #currset)) (help (cat #nopass " " #currset)) (default nopass) ) ) (set KEEPAMIGAVIDEO (askchoice (choices #no #yes) (prompt (cat #keepamiga " " #currset)) (help (cat #keepamiga " " #currset)) (default keepamiga) ) ) (set BOOTLOGO (askchoice (choices #no #yes) (prompt (cat #bootlogo " " #currset)) (help (cat #bootlogo " " #currset)) (default bootlogo) ) ) (set SAVEMEM (askchoice (choices #no #yes) (prompt (cat #savemem " " #currset)) (help (cat #savemem " " #currset)) (default savemem) ) ) ;***** Set and save Env & Envarc (if (= cpup2c 0) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/CPUP2C 0") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/CPUP2C") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= cpup2c 1) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/CPUP2C 1") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/CPUP2C") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= HIRESCRSR 0) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/HIRESCRSR 0") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/HIRESCRSR") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= HIRESCRSR 1) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/HIRESCRSR 1") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/HIRESCRSR") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= HIDE15BIT 0) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/HIDE15BIT 0") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/HIDE15BIT") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= HIDE15BIT 1) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/HIDE15BIT 1") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/HIDE15BIT") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= ALERTEMU 0) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/ALERTEMU 0") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/ALERTEMU") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= ALERTEMU 1) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/ALERTEMU 1") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/ALERTEMU") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= NOCHIPSCREEN 0) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/NOCHIPSCREEN 0") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/NOCHIPSCREEN") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= NOCHIPSCREEN 1) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/NOCHIPSCREEN 1") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/NOCHIPSCREEN") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= PLANES2FAST 0) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/PLANES2FAST 0") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/PLANES2FAST") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= PLANES2FAST 1) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/PLANES2FAST 1") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/PLANES2FAST") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= NOPASSTHROUGH 0) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/NOPASSTHROUGH 0") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/NOPASSTHROUGH") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= NOPASSTHROUGH 1) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/NOPASSTHROUGH 1") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/NOPASSTHROUGH") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= KEEPAMIGAVIDEO 0) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/KEEPAMIGAVIDEO 0") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/KEEPAMIGAVIDEO") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= KEEPAMIGAVIDEO 1) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/KEEPAMIGAVIDEO 1") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/KEEPAMIGAVIDEO") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= BOOTLOGO 0) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/BOOTLOGO 0") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/BOOTLOGO") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= BOOTLOGO 1) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/BOOTLOGO 1") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/BOOTLOGO") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= SAVEMEM 0) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/SAVEMEM 0") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/SAVEMEM") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) (if (= SAVEMEM 1) ( (run "setenv CyberGraphX/SAVEMEM 1") (copyfiles (source "ENV:CyberGraphX/SAVEMEM") (dest "ENVARC:CyberGraphX") ) ) ) ;********************************************************************************* ; First Time Install START ;********************************************************************************* (if (= INST 0) ( ;********************************************************************************* ; Ask about CyberGraphX V2 ;********************************************************************************* (set removeV2 (askchoice (choices #remove1 #remove2 #remove3) (prompt #removeV2) (help #removeV2) (default 0) ) ) (if (= removeV2 0) (run (cat "Installer Tools/CyberBackup-UnInstall APPNAME \"CyberBackup-UnInstall\" MINUSER EXPERT DEFUSER EXPERT LOGFILE RAM:CyberBackUp-UnInstall.LOG") ) ) (if (= removeV2 1) ( (set whereMonitor (askfile (prompt #deletemon) (help #deletemon) (default "Devs:Monitors") ) ) (message whereMonitor) (if (<> "" whereMonitor) (delete whereMonitor (infos)) ) ) ) ;********************************************************************************* ;* Ask user to install what tools ;********************************************************************************* (set ToDo (askoptions (choices #drivers-todo #cgxmode-todo #osiris-todo #virgedemo-todo #cv-todo #cw-todo) (prompt #todo-prompt) (help #todo-prompt) (default 63) ) ) ;********************************************************************************* ;* If users wants to to install something ;********************************************************************************* (if (> ToDo 1) ( (set whereTEMP (askdir (prompt #destchoice) (help (cat #destchoice "\n" @askdir-help)) (default "SYS:") ) ) (if (< (exists (tackon whereTEMP "CV64-3D")) 2) (makedir (tackon whereTEMP "CV64-3D") (infos)) ) (set where (tackon whereTEMP "CV64-3D")) (set @default-dest where) (copyfiles (source #CompressCMD) (dest "t:")) ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; Copy over Drivers ;******************************************************************************** (if (IN ToDo 0) ( (set RegDriver (askoptions (choices " Maxon Cinema 4D" " PhotoWorx" " Photogenics" " Real3D Library" (cat " ADPro 2.5.0 " #saver) (cat " ADPro 2.5.0 " #window) " ImageFX" " AMax") (prompt #ask-driver) (help #ask-driver) (default 0) ) ) (if (IN RegDriver 0) (copyfiles (prompt #where-MC4D) (source (tackon #diskname "drivers/cinema4d/cinemaausgabe.library")) (optional) (dest (askdir (prompt #where-MC4D) (help #where-MC4D) (default "libs:") ) ) ) ) (if (IN RegDriver 1) (copyfiles (prompt #where-PHOTOW) (source (tackon #diskname "drivers/photoworx/Viewers/CyberGraphX.viewer")) (optional) (dest (askdir (prompt #where-PHOTOW) (help #where-PHOTOW) (default "Work:") ) ) ) ) (if (IN RegDriver 2) (copyfiles (prompt #where-PHOTOG) (source (tackon #diskname "drivers/photogenics/data/GIO/CyberGraphX.gio")) (optional) (newname "CyBERgraphics.gio") (dest (askdir (prompt #where-PHOTOG) (help #where-PHOTOG) (default "Work:") ) ) ) ) (if (IN RegDriver 3) (copyfiles (prompt #where-REAL) (source (tackon #diskname "drivers/real3d/cybergfx_r3d.library")) (optional) (dest (askdir (prompt #where-REAL) (help #where-REAL) (default "libs:") ) ) ) ) (if (IN RegDriver 4) (copyfiles (prompt #where-ADPRO) (source (tackon #diskname "drivers/adpro/Savers2/CyberGraphX")) (optional) (dest (askdir (prompt #where-ADPRO) (help #where-ADPRO) (default "ADPRO:Savers2") ) ) ) ) (if (IN RegDriver 5) ((copyfiles (prompt #where-ADPROw) (source (tackon #diskname "drivers/adpro/display2/Window")) (optional) (dest (askdir (prompt #where-ADPROw) (help #where-ADPROw) (default "ADPRO:displays2") ) ) ) (message #updatedadprow) ) ) (if (IN RegDriver 6) ((if (< cpu 68030) (set IFXVer "CyberGraphX.000") (set IFXVer "CyberGraphX.030")) (copyfiles (prompt #where-IFX) (source (tackon #diskname (cat "drivers/ImageFX/Render/" IFXVer))) (optional) (dest (askdir (prompt #where-IFX) (help #where-IFX) (default "ImageFX:Modules/Render") ) ) ) ) ) (if (IN RegDriver 7) (copyfiles (prompt #where-AMAX) (source (tackon #diskname "drivers/amax/CyberGraphX")) (optional) (dest (askdir (prompt #where-AMAX) (help #where-AMAX) (default "Work:") ) ) ) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; Copy over CGXMode ;******************************************************************************** (if (IN ToDo 1) ( (set wheremode (askchoice (choices " SYS:Prefs" (cat " " where) #other) (prompt (cat "\n" #wheremode "\n")) (help #wheremode) (default 0) ) ) (if (= wheremode 0) (set modedir "SYS:Prefs")) (if (= wheremode 1) (set modedir where)) (if (= wheremode 2) (set modedir (askdir (prompt #wheremode) (help (cat #wheremode "\n" @askdir-help)) (default "sys:prefs") ) ) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon #diskname "prefs/CGXMode")) (dest modedir) (infos)) ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; Copy over Osiris ;******************************************************************************** (if (IN ToDo 2) ( (if (= (exists "Osiris" (noreq)) 0) ( (askdisk (prompt #askfordisk2) (help #askfordisk2) (dest #diskname2)) (set #osirisdiskname (cat #diskname2 ":")) ) (set #osirisdiskname #diskname) ) (if (< (exists (tackon where "Osiris")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "Osiris") (infos)) ) (set whatosiris (askchoice (choices " 68020" " 68020+FPU" " 68040" " 68060") (prompt #whatosiris) (help #whatosiris) (default 0) ) ) (if (= whatosiris 0) (set wo ".020")) (if (= whatosiris 1) (set wo ".020fpu")) (if (= whatosiris 2) (set wo ".040")) (if (= whatosiris 3) (set wo ".060")) (copyfiles (source (tackon #osirisdiskname "Osiris/Osiris.info")) (dest (tackon where "Osiris")) ) (copyfiles (source (cat (tackon #osirisdiskname "Osiris/Osiris") wo)) (dest (tackon where "Osiris")) (newname "Osiris") (infos)) (if (= @language "deutsch") (copyfiles (source (tackon #osirisdiskname "Osiris/Osiris_D.guide")) (dest (tackon where "Osiris")) (infos)) (copyfiles (source (tackon #osirisdiskname "Osiris/Osiris_E.guide")) (dest (tackon where "Osiris")) (infos)) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; 3D ViRGE demo ;******************************************************************************** (if (IN ToDo 3) ( (if (= (exists "3D-ViRGE" (noreq)) 0) ( (askdisk (prompt #askfordisk2) (help #askfordisk2) (dest #diskname2)) (set #osirisdiskname (cat #diskname2 ":")) ) (set #osirisdiskname #diskname) ) (set #virarchivename (tackon #osirisdiskname #virarchivename)) (if (< (exists (tackon where "3D-ViRGE")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "3D-ViRGE") (infos)) ) (working #uncompressingbinvir) (if (< (exists #untempdirlib) 2) (makedir #untempdirlib) ) (set undovir ("%s \"-qfw=%s\" x \"%s\"" (cat "t:" #CompressCMD) #untempdirlib #virarchivename)) (set error (run undovir)) (if (= error 0) ( (foreach #untempdirlib "#?" (copyfiles (source (tackon #untempdirlib @each-name)) (dest (tackon where "3D-ViRGE")) (optional "nofail") (infos) ) ) (foreach #untempdirlib "#?" (delete (tackon #untempdirlib @each-name)) ) (delete #untempdirlib) ) (message #errorvir) ) ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; Copy over CyberView! ;******************************************************************************** (if (IN ToDo 4) ( (if (= (exists "CyberView" (noreq)) 0) ( (askdisk (prompt #askfordisk2) (help #askfordisk2) (dest #diskname2)) (set #cviewdiskname (cat #diskname2 ":")) ) (set #cviewdiskname #diskname) ) (if (< (exists (tackon where "CyberView")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "CyberView") (infos)) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon #cviewdiskname "CyberView")) (dest (tackon where "CyberView")) (all) (infos) (optional "nofail")) ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; Copy over CyberWindow! ;******************************************************************************** (if (IN ToDo 5) ( (if (= (exists "CyberWindow" (noreq)) 0) ( (askdisk (prompt #askfordisk2) (help #askfordisk2) (dest #diskname2)) (set #cwiewdiskname (cat #diskname2 ":")) ) (set #cwiewdiskname #diskname) ) (if (< (exists (tackon where "CyberWindow")) 2) (makedir (tackon where "CyberWindow") (infos)) ) (copyfiles (source (tackon #cwiewdiskname "CyberWindow")) (dest (tackon where "CyberWindow")) (all) (infos) (optional "nofail")) ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; NOTE on jpeg DT stuff ;******************************************************************************** (if (OR (IN ToDo 4) (IN ToDo 5)) (message #jpegDTnote) ) ;********************************************************************************* ; First Time Install END ;********************************************************************************* ) ) ;******************************************************************************** ; Ask user to reboot ;******************************************************************************** (user 2) ;*** CLeanup (delete (tackon "t:" #CompressCMD)) (if (> (exists ("c:multiview")) 0) (set #mpath "c:") ) (if (> (exists ("sys:Utilities/multiview")) 0) (set #mpath "sys:Utilities") ) (if (= @language "deutsch") (set fileread "Wichtig!") (set fileread "Important!") ) (if (> (exists fileread (noreq)) 0) (run (cat "run " #mpath "/multiview " fileread) ) ) (set reboot (askbool (choices #YES-REBOOT #NO-REBOOT) (prompt (if (= INST 0) (#reboot) (#reboot-def)) ) (help #reboot-prompt) ) ) (if (= reboot 1) (run "Reboot") ) (exit #byebye)